11 Questions to Ask Before Creating a Corporate Video Production (Infographic)

Have you decided to create your company’s first corporate video production, but you’re not sure where to begin? You’re not alone. Planning a corporate video shoot can be such a daunting task that businesses will often leave important decisions to the video production company. But the more you decide before approaching a video production company for a quote, the more fruitful your collaboration will be.

Here are 11 important questions to help guide the corporate video production process. From overall goals about messaging to logistics about budget and ownership, this infographic walks you through the steps you should take prior to hitting “record.”

creating a corporate video - 11 questions to ask video production company.jpg

1. What do I want people to feel when they watch my video?

80% of internet users remember video ads they watch online.

2. How does my product or service relate to the concerns of the target audience?

Website visitors are 64% more likely to buy a product on an online retail site after watching a video.

3. What specific problem am I trying to solve?

What message are you trying to convey and how does a video help communicate that to the audience? 80% of your online visitors will watch a video while only 20% will actually read content in its entirety.

4. What types of videos do I like?

Can you find examples of videos you like and present them to the video production company creating your video? 50% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI.

5. What is the overall arching big idea for the corporate video production?

6. What are some details that must be included in the video?

26% of internet users look for more information after viewing a video.

7. What is the estimated length of time of the video?

45% of viewers stop watching a video after one minute and 60% by two minutes. Videos 15 seconds or shorter are shared 37% more often than those that last between 30 seconds and one minute.

8. How will people learn about and watch the video?

Your website is 50x more likely to appear on the first page of a search engine results page if it includes video. Mobile video ads that include social media buttons drive 36% higher engagement. 92% of mobile video viewers share videos with others.

9. What is your video production budget?

10. Whose input/perspective would really be of value in the video production planning process?

11. Who is the final decision maker for the corporate video production project?